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  • Bio | The Ultimate David M

    I love lemon pie. This pretty much says it all. This is my set up below. I used to have a Partner's desk, but my partner took the French leave. It wasn't practical anyway. I love museums and Charles Auguste Mengin's Sappho haunted me so I created Mary-Ann Dana's character in "Wereshewolves". ​ After a short career in journalism, I began writing from my own experience in reporting, starting with an investigation into a serial killer case that happened close to home. I felt compelled to write about my own motivations and vibrations at first. A few years on and I teeter mostly on the brink of fantasy and horror with a strong emphasis on real cases and their supernatural angle. Some of which I create from scratch, delving into my past, some inspired by current affairs and news. My acting experience enables me to create fleshy and psychologically complex characters with a view to create intimacy and narrative cohesion. My main influences are Edgar A. Poe, Guy de Maupassant, Paul Auster and modern writers such as Faulkner, Wilkie Collins, etc. In Wereshewolves, I reconnect with my troubled feminine side. I have a post-graduate diploma in psychology and a naturalist with a naturopathic medical background. I am the proud father of a lovely violinist. ​ Here's one of my favourite quotes: ​ "Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.' (Malvolio, Twelfth night , W. Shakespeare) ​ Contact I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

  • Music | The Ultimate David M

    Aiko's happiness I sometimes drop the quill and mouse to write music. It's an escape from words and their mental hegemony. It's a roundtrip to my feelings where I visit bars and common musical structures. For example, in 'Purple' below, from the 'Aiko's happiness' album dedicated to my daughter, I explore what the color purple evokes for me. A private spectacle on the crucial and deadly theme of Climate fucking change? Yes and no ... Purple There is another sky Gingerhead man Butterflies Under blueberry skies "From my early childhood, before my bones, nerves, and veins were fully strengthened, I have always seen this vision in my soul, even to the present time when I am more than seventy years old. In this vision, my soul, as God would have it, rises up high into the vault of heaven and into the changing sky and spreads itself out among different peoples, although they are far away from me in distant lands and places." ​ -Hildegard Von Bingen- Her music is empowerment personified. Mystic, entrancing, soothing ... Hildegard Von Bingen found inspiration in her imagination, her faith and novice traditions. Her influence spread far and wide, with influences from middle-eastern music as well as Western Christian liturgical chants. Hortus deliciarum

  • Novels | David Mar

    THE EVERBLUE David Mar’s The Everblue intertwines ancient Japanese legends, the enigma of death, and a riveting expedition that evolves into a deeply personal family journey. The story centers on Charles Dubois, a seasoned traveler and explorer, who is eager to uncover the elusive Everblue flower once more. Seeking funding from Catherine Hallmark, a wealthy socialite, he is met with skepticism. Hallmark, thinking Dubois might be delusional, refers him to her nephew Jonathan, a psychiatrist. Unexpectedly, Jonathan is captivated by Dubois’s quest and persuades his cousin Beatrice to join them on the challenging journey to a ghost village in remote Japan. As their adventure unfolds, it becomes increasingly perilous, raising the question: will they safely uncover the Everblue? From the outset, Mar crafts a tale filled with intrigue and suspense. The story begins with Beatrice experiencing otherworldly visions, immediately gripping the reader and compelling them to explore the unfolding mystery. Mar’s vivid imagery, such as “From the darkness of her origins, her eyes wandered to the reflection of the soft glow of the flower,” enhances the reader’s visualization, enriching the narrative with contrasting and evocative scenes. While the plot is engaging, the narrative takes its time to reveal how each chapter connects, allowing readers to savor the unfolding story. Although extensive, detailed descriptions enhance the depth of the characters’ backstories and enrich the broader context, ultimately adding layers to the narrative. These elements contribute to a more immersive reading experience, offering a richer understanding of the story’s intricate tapestry. The Everblue is a captivating fantasy novel that offers a compelling blend of adventure, mythology, and personal exploration. David Mar’s storytelling, rich in imagery and intrigue, makes it a thoroughly engaging read. ​ -Literary Titan- Read More david mar Wereshewolves: a project born from hysteria (coming in 2024) Unexplained horrible deaths terrorize hedonists' non-binary paradise Hello, I am David Mar, and I am taking you on a cruise to explore... david mar My first blog was a disaster (a bit like our climate) I had no idea what to say so I wrote a novel instead ... Subscribe Form Join Thanks for subscribing!

  • The smiling tree | The Ultimate David M

    The smiling tree Travel musings from the island of Zeus, featuring a donkey, pool-barnacles and orgies. Subtitled 'A Cretin in Crete', this Greek fantasy features dialogues with a tree and explores hilarity through disinhibited meanderings with a Minoan spirit, and is part of a traveling series on the insular theme of the blissful 'Cretin'. Previous Next

  • W.I.P | The Ultimate David M

    ​ Haiku -Invisible ink- ​ Paper love burns Before cinders acknowledge Lemon oaths' glow. ​

  • Hollow Man | The Ultimate David M

    Hollow Man It seems the after-world will not relinquish its grip on good old Mac Closkey, an idiocentric character whose true British mettle radiates far and wide ... His unusual ministry calls him to investigate frozen Victorian bodies discovered on a local mountain. Is there a North-South divide in Heaven too? Once hazed by the world of spirits, the Northerner Rev. Mac Closkey passes the test set by the dubitative Met. The legendary Jack the Ripper case is solved... Soon his local chapter requires his help to find the head of the ex-commissioner’s wife whose disappearance is not as straightforward a murder as it first seemed since its repercussions threaten to shake down the highest realms of British society… ISBN No: 9781528953863 Available at Waterstones, Goodreads, Barnes&Nobles, Tertulia, Thriftbooks, etc. Previous Next

  • APOCALYPSO | The Ultimate David M

    APOCALYPSO A sunny haven by the sea. Coffee slowly percolating. Old ballad humming. Sizzling bacon. An opened jam pot. A waspy newspaper. All good news, just speculating on extinction. Previous Next

  • Fudgings | The Ultimate David M

    Current fudgings David Mar I am working on haikus as a poetic form for the foreseeable future among other publishing projects, namely querying for 'Wereshewolves ', a psycho-horror thriller, and the publication of 'The Everblue' (out on 31.03.2024) About Me

  • The Everblue | The Ultimate David M

    The Everblue Synopsis In the secret vault of the old MacLeod family home, troubled psychiatrist Jonathan unearths a WWII article about a mythical flower. A few months later, he is visited by Mr. Dubois, whose ectoplasmic adventures have led him to a Japanese mountain and 'The Everblue', an enchanted flower with earth-shattering powers for the human mind. 'Coincidence or synchronicity,' asks Deadstone? The allure of the enigmatic Everblue myth beckons, promising untold magic and mysticism to those daring enough to embark on the quest. From the misty landscapes of Scotland to razor’s edge Japan, a journey unfolds, where precious pearls of wisdom and power lie scattered on the path of enlightenment. As the tangible Western world teeters on the brink of vanishing, the expeditionists pursuing the Everblue find themselves thrown into an abyss with their deepest fears. In this labyrinthine adventure, Beatrice, a beacon of innocence and intelligence, stands at the crossroads of destiny. Chosen by the nefarious cult, her role as the chosen one is fraught with peril because the cult’s sinister designs extend beyond mere mysticism, as they covet Beatrice’s very womb to propagate their dark agenda ... Previous Next

  • SYNOPSIS | The Ultimate David M

    SYNOPSIS Hell has no fury like a werewolf scorned … Soon after her first training day at the crime squad, Rose realizes that her irate mentor, Jose Rizal, is a schizophrenic mess who is on the verge of ego disintegration. But even if they gradually feel attracted to each other, evidence shows that a werewolf is cleaning the city of its vulnerable night-crawlers. Halloween or bad hairy day? As the sleuthing tandem become overwhelmed with a case from hell —just like Mary-Ann Dana, an American journalist who doesn’t know what her alter-ego is capable of— a vigilante deposits a morbid puzzle in body bags around town. In this true crime cold sweater extravaganza, facts and hallucinations are knitted together in anticipation of those long dark winter nights by the biofuel fire place. Previous Next

  • Political monkeys | The Ultimate David M

    Political monkeys Serious political poetry looking at Brexit, racism and being a foreigner in the UK. Life-changing ... E-book: Previous Next

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