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I love lemon pie. This pretty much says it all. This is my set up below. I used to have a Partner's desk, but my partner took the French leave.  It wasn't practical anyway. I love museums and Charles Auguste Mengin's Sappho haunted me so I created Mary-Ann Dana's character in "Wereshewolves".

After a short career in journalism, I began writing from my own experience in reporting, starting with an investigation into a serial killer case that happened close to home. I felt compelled to write about my own motivations and vibrations at first.

A few years on and I teeter mostly on the brink of fantasy and horror with a strong emphasis on real cases and their supernatural angle. Some of which I create from scratch, delving into my past, some inspired by current affairs and news. My acting experience enables me to create fleshy and psychologically complex characters with a view to create intimacy and narrative cohesion. My main influences are Edgar A. Poe, Guy de Maupassant, Paul Auster and modern writers such as Faulkner, Wilkie Collins, etc. In Wereshewolves, I reconnect with my troubled feminine side. I have a post-graduate diploma in psychology and a naturalist with a naturopathic medical background. I am the proud father of a lovely violinist.

Here's one of my favourite quotes:

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.'  (Malvolio, Twelfth night, W. Shakespeare)


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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